Updated Restart Explorer PowerShell Module to Restore Windows
Yesterday I posted a simple PowerShell to restart explorer. I have continued to tinker with it and gave it the ability to find the currently open explorer windows and re-open those after it restarts explorer.
function Restart-Explorer
Param([switch] $SuppressReOpen)
#Gather up the currently open windows, so we can re-spawn them.
$x = New-Object -ComObject "Shell.Application"
$count = $x.Windows().Count
$windows = @();
$explorerPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:windir, "explorer.exe");
for ($i=0; $i -lt $count; $i++)
# The location URL contains the Path that the explorer window is currently open to
$url = $x.Windows().Item($i).LocationURL;
$fullName = $x.Windows().Item($i).FullName;
# This also catches IE windows, so I only add items where the full name is %WINDIR%\explorer.exe
if ($fullName.Equals($explorerPath))
$windows += $url
Stop-Process -ProcessName explorer
if (!$SuppressReOpen)
foreach ($window In $windows){
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($window)){
Start-Process $explorerPath
Start-Process $window
Set-Alias re Restart-Explorer
Export-ModuleMember -function Restart-Explorer -Alias re
So now when I run re
, explorer restarts and my explorer windows are restored. If for some reason I didn't want to restore the windows I added a SuppressReOpen switch to prevent the script from re-opening explorer windows.